

Writer's block seems to be a popular topic to write, blog and whine about. Online forums devote non-forests full of non-wood to it and it crops up whenever serious writers get together. Everyone has a solution - it is almost like having a solution for a hangover. In practice, I think most of us like the prescription - take an aspirin and call me in the morning.

For some people, forgetting about it and moving forward to a new day works, but for most of us who realize that "to be a writer, once must write" it is a different story. One day of leaving it alone too easily turns into a second , a third and then a week has gone by. A couple of ideas spring to mind including:
  • if you have a detailed outline, then you may not feel like writing, but at least you know what needs to be written
  • a walk in nature is guaranteed to open the lines to your creative center, especially if you walk by yourself without the distractions of i-pods, friends and city noise
  • read a good writer in a different genre (call it research if you have to justify it)
  • begin a paragraph on a blank page with, "I don't know what to write..." and force your hand to move through more words for 5 minutes, regardless of what they are - don't reread it, just give in to it
  • if all else fails, a single-malt scotch, a wood burning fireplace and a sleeping dog at your feet.
Relax and trust what your mind is trying to tell you - it's there.

1 comment:

  1. Gracias Brother Bob ~Sometimes I get writer's block and just don't sweat it. I write from my inner spirit, from what inspires me and from what I feel needs to be written. I trust my mind but I trust my spirit more.

    A lot of it all comes down to just focusing and writing, getting the creative juices stirring. I write what has been burning inside of me, what I feel needs to be written or to help others understand where I am coming from and clarify stuff for myself.

    I need to also not feel that I have to get it 'perfect' the first time, not stop to go back then get caught up in an endless editing loop.

    James Baldwin said somewhere, "I only worry about writers when they are not writing."

    Sometimes I need to not even write, just leave it alone and engage in another activity. Or maybe not activity, just meditate in my being and relax. Whatever works, works.

    Sometimes I just need to go outside, see the world, gain more experience and refresh myself.

    Namaste, @Peta_de_Aztlan Twitter
