

A few months ago I was having lunch with a friend and he was telling me about his struggles with writing a new book. Their business is based on personal coaching and a workshop series for people who are going through transitions in their lives. He knew that writing this book was important for his  own business and also for the people who would read it and wanted to make sure that he created great value for them. But, he just couldn't get a handle on a format and an outline. His message wasn't clear and he struggled with one of my most often asked questions, "What's your book about?"
I asked him another question, "What are the five most commonly asked questions by your workshop attendees and coaching clients?" It took him no more than two minutes to list the five questions and bingo, he had his book outline! Sometimes it is that simple but often, as writers, we are just too close to our subject to see what to write and how to organize it.
The same may be true for you. If you are writing a book to enhance your business or your brand and expand your borders, it may be as easy as putting yourself in your customers shoes and asking the five most common questions about your subject. Whether you are a chiropractor, business analyst, life coach, swimming instructor, interior designer or chief candlestick maker, I would hazard a guess that you answer several questions constantly and this will be the start of your book. Organize it around what you already know and what the people you help always ask.

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