

Here we are again - another year past and another year ahead. If you had spent one hour per day everyday during the past year writing 500 words, you would have written 182,500 words or about 2 average size novels. Yes, you can argue with that stat but instead, go write your 500 words.
I don't particularly like the word "resolution" and prefer the word "intention" because I think it is stronger. So, I guess that means it's time for this year's New Years Intentions:
  1. I intend to write 500 words per day
  2. I intend to take at least 2 vacations (but I'll write my 500 words)
  3. I intend to belly laugh at least once per day
  4. I intend to stop having "seconds" (notice I didn't say desserts)
  5. I intend to shake hands less and hug more
  6. I intend to dream bigger
  7. I intend to go to bed earlier
  8. I intend to "unsubscribe" from more sites than I "subscribe" to
  9. I intend to seek happiness in every situation
  10. I intend to see possibility instead of impossibility
  11. I intend to listen more actively and talk less frequently (unless being paid for it)
  12. I intend to create life rather than watch it pass
  13. I intend to take a few minutes first thing every day to read something inspiring 
  14. I intend to listen to my "gut" more and follow its path
  15. I intend to spend more time with people and businesses who support me, and less...
  16. I intend to make 2012 the springboard to my best life
If you would like to share, I would like to post it, or perhaps you will use the comment section to list your one, most important New Year's Intention and please feel free to share these thoughts with others. It's easy to use the buttons below to send it to your friends.

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