

WEST COAST TRAIL: One Step at a Time goes on Kindle tomorrow. OK, so colour me excited and some of you know what I mean. My West Coast Trail book has been on Amazon for a couple of years and I was excited when that first happened and I still enjoy cashing the cheques. It was originally released about five years ago and I am sure that some of you can relate to the excitement of seeing your first book in print for the first time - a very special experience that I got to share with family and a lot of friends. Now another milestone has been reached as I have just finished uploading it to Kindle.

I should share with you the fact that it was a pretty simple process since Amazon already had the files, they converted them for 69.00 to the proper format and then sent them to me a couple of hours ago. I then logged into the digital upload center where I had previously created an account, answered the profile questions and followed the directions, including things like territorial rights, lending rights and pricing and then uploaded the cover and text and presto, it is done! Frankly, it was easier than I expected.

Now, don't get too crazy because I want to be the first one to buy the book on Kindle tomorrow, but I would appreciate any reviews from previous readers or anything else you would like to share on the Amazon site. Now, I need to get back to work and write the final chapter, intro, etc. for my third book and get it on Kindle too, after which, I might just release "To My Secret Mother" the same way.

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